Sunday, July 26

My Little Acrobat

Dear Ty,

Daddy has taught you the balancing act trick. It's been something the Hunt's have been doing since Grandpa was a baby, so naturally Daddy had to get you and Noelle to do the same. This picture is from the end of June; you were about 4.5 months old. Unlike your sister, you seem to enjoy doing the balancing act because you always smile and sometimes even start to giggle. I can't wait until it's time to start you at Little Gym- I know you will have a blast!

I'll have to try and see if I can get my hands on a copy of Daddy doing this when he was a baby. In the meantime, I thought it'd be fitting to post a pic of Noelle doing the same trick. I think she is about 4 months here and you can see the look of terror on her face....she definitely did not enjoy it as much as you!

I love you sweet boy,


Time keeps on tickin'....

...and we've been doing and learning all sorts of fun's a catch-up....Let's start with the 4th of July, well, I guess the 5th since we were rained out on the 4th. Noelle got to wear her red, white and blue dress and liked the sparklers and pop-its we got for her. We headed out to see the local fireworks and both kids loved them!! Ty just kept staring and jibber-jabbing away. Here are the pics:

Noelle and I have been doing a lot of work with our garden, or "gar-yen" as she says. We have gotten 15 super long cucumbers, about 5 green peppers and a handful of cherry tomatos. Noelle loves to go out each morning and pick whatever is ready to eat. She loves the cucumbers the most and eats them like candy bars! Daddy's cayenne peppers are growing really quickly and we had tie the plant to a stake since the weight of the peppers were knocking it over. We are waiting for Noelle's peppers to turn red and we are still waiting to see if the beans will grow. The rabbits around here keep munching on the leaves :-( despite our many attempts to keep them out.

We also went down to the lake with Grandpa over the 4th weekend and Noelle had the time of her life! She loved to drive the boat and had fun jumping and splashing in the lake. She hasn't stopped talking about it and we can't wait to go back!

I can't believe August is just around the corner. Yes, it's true, time keeps on tickin' and we keep on making the most of each day, having fun and making memories!

Saturday, July 18

Coming soon...

Oh my, we have been so BUSY but I'm hoping to post some pics of what we've been up to tomorrow. Ty has learned lots of new stuff and Noelle is just as sassy as ever.

For now, I'm headed to pump and hit the sack before one of our beloved children gets up for one of the countless reasons...nursing, tylenol, diaper change, covering back up, going potty, a drink of water, a bite of cracker, nigh-nigh falling down, or just plain wanting to hang out in the middle of the night. Yes, that is about par for course these days. What happened to my two babies who slept through the night? If you find them, let them know I'd LOVE to have them back!


Dear Noelle,

You are so funny! Tonight we had a wonderful family night of a good dinner, playing at your favorite park, and then going for ice cream with sprinkles! On the way home you told Daddy that you "ee-all"- referencing your ice cream. What you were trying to say was "eat it all" and so Daddy and I started laughing and repeating your little condensed one word version, all in good fun, of course.

You got so MAD at us, and yelled from the back "Don't say that!!! DRIVE THE CAR!!!"

Ahh, yes. Our bossy little sweatheart. We love you too!



Sunday, July 12

"I Pooped Obama"

Dear Noelle,

The first time you pooped on the big girl potty, you got up, looked at the toilet and said "I pooped a frog". As I went to flush, I happened to notice that your poop really did resemble a frog. Since then you've pooped a lion, a snake, an elephant, a cat, a dog, a monkey, and I think a giraffe.

Last night, you took a look and said, "I pooped Obama." Dad and I couldn't help but chuckle at the irony of your statement.

One night Dad and I were talking about your personality and how unique you are. Dad said something like "She's either going to be a bleeding heart liberal or a cut-throat business woman. I hope it's not the first one because she'll break my heart."

I'm hoping your "I pooped Obama" statement has you leaning towards the business woman.

Love you funny girl,

Friday, July 10

"I'm not playin' games with you"

Um, yeah, that's what Noelle just said to me. Naturally, this lead me to wonder where she picked up this nice little phrase. Leave it to Jeremy to gently remind me that a few mornings ago as I was chasing Little Miss around the house trying to get her hair in a decent looking pony, I happened to say I'm not playin' games with you, get over here!


Monday, July 6


That's how many ounces of breast milk I just donated.

One goal I had for myself during maternity leave was to stock pile frozen milk so that when I went back to work, or Ty went through a growth spurt, I wouldn't have to stress out about having enough to give him. I went through that whole mess with Noelle and it's an awful feeling when you realize you might not have enough milk. I had a low supply with her and was constantly eating oatmeal, drinking fluids and pumping around the clock to have enough. I did end up having a frozen stash for her at one point but some days we cut it pretty close.

Needless to say, I wasn't going to mess around this time. My goal was to have 200 oz by the time I went back to work and so you can imagine my devastation when I realized that Ty couldn't have any of the milk I had saved because it had the dairy protein he was allergic to. I was just shy of 150 oz and my grand total plummeted back to the big ZERO with only 4 weeks left until I went back to work.

Just in case you were wondering how much 148.9 ounces really is, think water bottles. Think 9 of those water bottles filled to the brim. Ya, it's a freaking lot and I was sick to my stomach knowing that I couldn't use a single drop of it.

There was no chance in hell I was just going to toss it. It's called Liquid Gold for a reason and so I just kept it in the freezer. Part of me secretly hoped Ty's results would come back negative and he would be able to use it. Time marched on and there the milk sat, taking up half the of the freezer and pissing Jeremy off every time he had to dig through the frozen goods we had to pack and cram into the other part. Breast milk is only good for 3 months in a regular freezer mind you, so as the 3 month mark started creeping up, I was getting pretty panicked.

Then one night I was online at a great breast feeding support group and this article got posted

It's long, but probably the most beautiful, heartfelt article I've read on breast feeding. After I stopped bawling, I googled breast milk donation and found out that Indianapolis had a donation center, called Indiana Mother's Milk Bank I called the next day and after several months of being screened, blood tested, false HTLV positives and more, I was approved to donate.
What an awesome feeling to donate Liquid Gold to a baby in need. Oh yes, and the hubs is happy now with all the new found freezer space :-)

Saturday, July 4

Happy Soggy 4th!

Dear Noelle and Ty,
Boo! Our fireworks have been cancelled for tonight. I was really looking forward seeing your reactions to them, but it will have to wait until tomorrow night. It's been a chilly, rainy day and we all spent the afternoon napping in the best sleeping weather we've had in a while. Since I'm saving your special 4th of July outfits for tomorrow, I decided to take a trip down memory lane with some pictures of your first two fourths and hopefully I'll have the new ones to post after tomorrow. The pic to the left is from our trip to St. Louis over the 4th last year. The 2007 pics are from our local fireworks show and the 2008 one is from a rest stop on our way down to St. Louis.

Noelle 2007

Noelle 2008

Friday, July 3

5 months

Dear Ty,
Today you are 5 months and we spent the entire day having lots of fun. We went to Pee-Wee Farmers with Daddy and Noelle and had a good time looking at all the animals. We then spent the rest of the day out on Grandpa's boat and you loved it!

Let's see, at 5 months you are still Mr. Serious, but smile A LOT more now. Your smiles are extra fun because you get really into dig your little chin into your chest and squint your eyes and squeal. Your favorite place to be is in the exersaucer, where you spin round and round checking out all your exciting toys. You reach out and try to grab everything and chew on pretty much everything too. When you start to grab stuff, you put your arms out in the "so big" position and slowly bring in both arms until your hand get a grip on what you want. You try to grab the water from the tub faucet and your babysitter says you can hold your own bottle now When I nurse you, you like to hold the boob like a bottle too. Daddy thinks it's weird but I think it's so cute!!!
We haven't had any luck with your first tooth, but it's coming soon I'm sure. You continue to drool like a maniac and on extra tough days, we break out the Tylenol or Motrin to help you with your tooth. I have been slowly introducing dairy back into my diet and you've done pretty well with it so far. I'm hoping you have out grown your allergy. I'd really like to start you on rice cereal today, but we're going to wait another month or so for you to work on growing out of your allergy. I know you are just going to LOVE big boy food.

You can push up with your arms, and can get up on your knees, but haven't been able to do them simultaneously. I'm not sure you really need to crawl because you roll to whatever it is that you want. You especially like Noelle's toys that make noise and we've had to work on the concept of sharing big time. While she's trying to grab her toys back, you give her attitude....ahhhhh sibling rivalry starting already.

I love you,