Today, my little guy, you are one!! Your busy hands and swift feet have made the last year incredible. You are a walking, running, shouting, laughing, smiling, trouble making, kiss giving, speed-crawling, WWF maneuvering, head bumping, tantrum throwing, mess-making, food devouring, sound sleeping, ball of energy.

We have thoroughly enjoyed all the excitement you have brought to the house and are quickly learning to be one step ahead of you at all times. I remember when we were in the ultrasound room and the tech told us you were a boy. I was shocked. I thought you were a girl because I had been so sick, just like the 9 months with Noelle. Mommy and Daddy were shocked and thrilled all at the same time. We were going to have a son and Noelle was going to have a little brother.

I am going to copy a partial-post from Jill, a fellow blogger at, because when she wrote about being a "Boy Mom" I couldn't agree with her more. It also helps that she is a fantastic writer who shares my sentiments, but can express it oh-so-much more eloquently than me. Without further ado, some reasons why being a "Boy Mom" is the best:
"You develop a love of "little man" clothes, toy trucks, and OshKosh overalls paired with a toothy grin and muddy knees.
Being a boy mom means slobbery kisses and hugs that start with a running leap.
Being a boy mom means saving hundreds on clothes, even if only to spend that amount or more later in life on ER visits.
Being a boy mom means developing a keen eye for bugs and coming to terms with the fact that sometimes they can just be considered an extra helping of protein.
Being a boy mom means developing a very watchful eye while changing diapers, always on the lookout for the surprise pee stream attack.
Being a boy mom means having the pleasure of watching your son learn from his father.
Being a boy mom means you've been given the tremendous opportunity and challenge to raise someone who will grow up to be a respectful, loving and kind man. He may break hearts, but hopefully, with your guidance, he will do so gently."
Happy Birthday sweet boy,
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