Summer time and the livin's easy! We enjoyed some delicious custard and our favorite local ice cream shop this past Friday. Ty was able to feed himself and managed to get most of the treat in his mouth.
Noelle was happy to have ice cream too- but opted to go without sprinkles this time. A big change from last summer, when all she would order is a cup of sprinkles with a little ice cream. Maybe she has finally figured out that sprinkles, although pleasing to the eye, really taste like crap??
Here's a short clip of our stubborn little guy. We know Ty is smart. He can follow one step directions. He listens very intently and when he feels like it, he repeats words, or actually follows through with the one step directives. You can see the gears turning in his little brain, processing the situation. At that point one of two things happen: 1. He does what he is told or 2. He smiles ever so slowly and turns and runs away. It's almost like slow motion. You see, Ty only does what he wants when HE wants to. He's a stinker like that.
Then there is the rare occasion where he blurts out a word, clear as day, that he probably had been able to say for months. You'll see in the video here:
Love you,