You were born April 12th, at 1:34 am weighing in at 7 lbs 5 oz and measuring 19 inches tall. When Daddy told me you were a girl, I couldn't believe it! I was thrilled to see that you had dark hair and were just as sweet and cuddly as can be. You definitely lived up to your nickname "Sweet Cheeks". Even though you were about 3.5 weeks early, you were strong, healthy, and alert. Here is my final pregnancy picture- in labor, headed to the hospital to meet you!
After a 6 hour labor and one push, you were out. Not quite as fast as Ty's delivery but not nearly as long as Noelle's. I had the same nurse who delivered Ty and she was fantastic! I am always amazed at the wonderful job OB nurses do and I was especially thankful that she let us nurse before you had to go the NICU for tests. You were classified as early since anyone born before 37 weeks is considered pre-term. You passed all your tests with flying colors and were back to snuggle only after a few hours.
Here is a shot of your dark hair! Daddy says I'm obsessed with it, and maybe I am, but I just couldn't believe how much you had. We will have to wait and see if it changes to blond as you get older...
At long last, we were able to be checked out. I was excited to get back home and start living our life as a family of 5 :-)
Love you,
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