Summer is about to come to a crashing halt when I return to teaching on Monday. In late May, I made a list of things to do with Noelle, Ty, and Alexis, yet when I recently brought out that list, there wasn't a whole lot I could cross off. We definitely had a busy summer - always on the go, taking little trips, tons of pool time- so I wasn't sure how we never managed to complete the "to-do" list. A lot of our days and nights were made up of little things- special moments captured with one or two pictures yet creating memories that I am certain will last a lifetime for us and the kids.
I read an article in the paper the other day, where a grandma was discussing her summer fun and it was eerily similar to what our very own summer consisted of. It was as if she was looking in our backyard while she wrote, and I love how she eloquently captures the summer the Noelle, Ty, Alexis, and I experienced when she writes the following expert:
"They are suspended in an age of bliss, where summer is a series of leisurely delights- walks with mommy to the park, a snack cup full of Cheerios, and the joy of crushed ice. All they care about is that Daddy is rolling up his pant legs and wading in the pool. They shriek with glee. Their 3 month old baby brother (in our case, baby sister, so I'm changing the he's to she's :-) ) lives in the summer bliss with them. She has to be the easiest-going baby of all time. She is carefree and simply happy to be. She is incredibly alert, appearing to listen to conversations and taking mental notes. It is as though she wants to say something but is wary of frightening the adults. Although they don't own a single electronic between them, need an upgrade on anything, and have no idea who Harry Potter is, they feed on discovery. Their joys are simple and their delights inexpensive."
Thanks for a perfect summer Noelle, Ty, and Alexis! I love you!
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