Tuesday, October 6

7 and 8 months

Dear Ty,

Well you have certainly been keeping us busy. You have been learning all sorts of new stuff these last two months and it's so exciting. You started crawling AND got your first tooth on the SAME day, September 23rd. You love, love, love being mobile and it seriously happened overnight. One day you popped up on all the fours, the next you were on the go. You love putting anything and everything in your mouth and a big fan of pulling mine and Noelle's hair every chance you get.

Your first tooth is on the bottom and it solidifies your cuteness. You have been introduced to some non-baby food and can't ever get enough...crackers, toast, and potato to name a few of your favorites. I know how much you are dreaming of your first bite of steak, but we will have to wait until you get a few more teeth.

You hate, absolutely hate, having your face washed, nose wiped and hand washed.

You are now officially in the big boy car seat due to being so darn chunky! While it stinks not being able to pop you in and out of the car in the infant carrier, I think you enjoy your Cadillac of car seats much better. It's more comfortable and you get a better view of what's going on around you.

Other firsts this month: first ear infection, first time going from belly to sitting up, first time mimicking funny faces, first time pulling up to standing on your knees and first time getting super mad when you don't get your way. Super mad.

I love your little husky laugh and still think you are the sweetest little boy. I'm having fun dressing you up in your fall clothes and you look so handsome in just about everything you own. I stopped by Gymboree the other night and about died with how cute all the Christmas outfits were. You and Noelle are going to be stylin' for sure.

Your smile still melts my heart and there's nothing like a "toothy"smile to brighten my day!!

I love you,