Friday, December 25

Merry Christmas!

Dear Ty and Noelle,

Thank you for a wonderful Christmas. The last two days have been a flurry of activity with lots of laughs and love. I enjoyed every minute of it and hope you did too!! As I sit here by the tree, with new toys stacked up everywhere and snow softly falling, I know without a doubt I am the luckiest mommy in the world!!

I love you to pieces,

Monday, December 21


Dear Noelle,
I just had to write down the latest dialogue between you and daddy:
Daddy: "You better settle down or I'm gonna jerk a knot in your tail
You: "No you not. I don't have a tail. I'm not a dog, I'm Noelle."
And the way you're looking in this pic, it looks like you're gonna jerk a knot in HIS tail!
Love you,

Sunday, December 20

Christmas Cards

I gave us ten pics to get it right. Equipped with a camera that won't charge, the photo shoot lasted all of about 12 minutes, with Jeremy yelling "poopy pants" for about 11 of those. Christmas Cards: pass or fail? Check your mailboxes soon and find out!

Does the picture below not say it all? I'm a mess, Jer looks like he is drowning, Noelle is ready to pounce and Ty is being smooshed into the floor.

Monday, December 14

Full Hands, Full Heart

Dear Noelle and Ty,

There's no doubt that with the last two months, my hands have been full, but so is my heart. I have hardly had time to sit down and catch my breath, let alone get on here and blog about our daily festivities. It's gonna take a while to catch back up....

My sweet little Ty: You have really come into your own and your personality has captured my heart. You are all boy, from your little man laugh, to your messy hands and face, to your never ending pooping, to finding anything, no matter how small or gross, on the floor and eating it. You have developed a love of dog food and can now get 10-15 pieces shoved into your mouth in a matter of seconds. When Daddy or I catch you, you put it into third gear and try to high tail it out of the kitchen. You can say daddy and no, more like nnnnnnno.
You still only have two teeth, but are eating lots of solid foods now. You tend to be a meat and potato guy...and you like your juice too! You are *this close* to walking but are too stubborn to give it a good try. And when you don't get your way...LOOK OUT. Screaming and gnashing of the teeth to follow.

And my little doll Noelle, I have loved every bit of our last two months. You are really into the holidays, and really love the Christmas lights. You are cautiously awaiting Santa's arrival, and I'm not sure I can convince you to go see him at the mall. Sometimes I think you are a 2 going on 15- your current Christmas list includes keys, a phone, and a pink video recorder (mp3 player to the tune of $145). What ever happened to barbies and cabbage patch dolls?

You adore your little brother and are the bests big sis. You are so selfless and sweet and I'm not sure how I got so lucky to be your mama. You are going to be starting pre-school soon and I am so excited for you! I know you will just love it!

Well, I'm signing off for now. I can't seem to get more pics loaded right now...could have something to do with my camera that hasn't been charged in a week, but I'll have to investigate when sleep isn't calling. I will try to get a few catch-up posts written in the next few days, complete with Halloween pictures, and of the Christmas fun we've been having!

I love you both!