Sunday, July 18

Swim Lessons!

Dear Noelle,

This year you were old enough to take swim lessons all by yourself!! You are such a big girl and I couldn't believe how brave you were- trying all the new exercises and listening so well to your teachers.  We got really lucky this year and had the same teacher as the parent/tot class last year!  You were SO EXCITED to see Sarah and could hardly stand still while I put sunscreen on you the first day.  Here are some pics of you doing your special skills in the water...

kicking your feet

Front float

Working really hard to submerge your entire face...I think I will buy some goggles next year and that might help some.

using the kick board

swimming with the noodles

walking with your favorite teacher after "diving" for rings in the deep end

getting ready to head to the deep end

Back float

getting all cuddly and dry

Overall, you did a super job in the level 1 swim class and your teachers wrote on your skill card that they loved your hard work and determination!! You passed all the skills except going completely under that water. You have been using all your skills when we go out on the boat and when we go to tot time at the pool in the mornings and Daddy and I can tell a big difference with your confidence in the water.

Love you,

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