Tuesday, July 13

Wrapping up the 4th Fun

For the actual July 4th, we head to the lake to spend the holiday with the Hunt's.  It was perfect weather for boating and we all had a great time!  Noelle and Ty donned their life vests and got ready for swimming.

They enjoyed time in their boats and spent a lot of time kicking and swimming around.

All of Noelle's swim lessons paid off because she finally ditched the boat, noodle, etc and swam with just her life vest.  She even jumped off the boat to her cousin Ashley.  Once she found the freedom, we could not get this little girl out of the lake.  She even had lunch, snacks and drinks, all while in the lake.  She is a fish for sure!!

After a long day at the lake, we headed over to Grandpa's campsite for a delicious feast of all sorts of wonderful food.  Once we go there, though, we decided it was best to get on the road and head home.  The kids were exhausted and on the verge of meltdown mode.  Here are a few pics of me and the sun kissed sweeties:

Noelle tried one sparkler and DID NOT like it one bit.  Oh well, guess I'll save them for next year because you know Ty will love them!

Tired little babies.  I'm sure we've all felt the way they look at some point, haha!

This last picture of Ty really surprised me.  His eyes are a dead ringer for Jeremy and it's the first picture that he looks a lot like Daddy.  (He also looks like he said F&#* when he dropped his goldfish- another similarity!

So we finally wrapped up our 4th of July celebrations.  The kids got to wear their cute red, white, and blue outfits I'd been saving all winter :-) and we had a blast.

When we got back to town, Daddy took Noelle to see the 4th and final fireworks show of the year.  Next 4th will be hard to beat for sure, but you can bet we'll be trying!

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